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In five sentences describe Assyrian politics with the northern tribes and Egypt under Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal (Use Exercise 32D Model answer).

After the Cimmerians destroyed Phrygia at Gordium in 676 B.C., Esarhaddon defeated the Cimmerians in Cilicia. After unsuccessfully defeating Nubian-led forces in Ashkelon in 673 B.C., Esarhaddon returned two years later to conquer Egypt and took many noble families back to Assyria. When Esarhaddon died his son, Ashurbanipal, took the throne and returned the statue of Marduk to Babylon. One of the hostage Egyptian aristocrats, Psammetichus, the son of Necho I of Sais, helped the Assyrians, now under Ashurbanipal, beat back the Dynasty 25 Nubians twice, sacking Thebes in 663 B.C., and was rewarded with vassalhood over Egypt. However, with some support from the Lydian king, Gyges, Psammetichus successfully rebelled against Assyria in 653 B.C. and claimed, as a Dynasty 26 pharaoh, the title Uniter of the Two Lands.

List three things Tarquin the Elder (Lucumo) was credited for developing in Rome (FN#33).

1) The Circus Maximus

2) Fortifying the city’s walls

3) Installing a sewage system

Provide an overview of the ANE (ancient Near East) in the seventh and early sixth centuries B.C. (Use Exercise 35A Model answer).

1.Sennacherib’s successors, Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal, tried raising Egyptian noble children in Assyria and then using them as vassals in Egypt. 2.Their plan backfired, however, when Psammetichus relied upon the Assyrian army to soundly thrash the Nubian dynasty in Thebes in 663 B.C., securing his position as pharaoh over all Egypt, and then, with some help from the Lydians, drove the Assyrians away. 3.After repelling an attack from the Cimmerians, Medes, and Persians with the help of the Scythians, Ashurbanipal wiped out Elam and deported Elamites to Israel. 4.Phrygian and Lydian colonists who mixed with native Villanovans and became known as the Etruscans helped develop Roman culture and infrastructure. 5.In 610 B.C., the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, finished the job of obliterating the Assyrian empire (that his father, Nabopolasar, had begun two years earlier with some help from Cyarxes, king of the Medes and Persians) and then married Cyarxes’ daughter, Amytis, and went on to destroy Jerusalem and deport the Hebrews to his magnificent city, Babylon, in 587 B.C.

How did Cyrus the Great die? Who was Cyrus’s successor and where did he move the Persian capital? What country did Cambyses II conquer and what did he proclaim himself to be? Who succeeded Cambyses II and how did he organize the empire? What happened when the satrap, Tattenai, saw the Temple of Solomon being rebuilt? (Use Exercise 36C Model answer)

Cyrus the Great died at the hands of Tomyris, queen of the Massagetae. His oldest son, Cambyses II, moved the Persian empire from Pasargadae to the old Elamite capital, Susa. He conquered Egypt and proclaimed himself “King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Cambyses, beloved of the goddess Wadjet.” Cambyses’ spear-bearer, Darius, took the throne next and organized the empire into administrative regions called satrapies. When the satrap, Tattenai, saw the Temple of Solomon being rebuilt he stopped the work until Darius was alerted and Cyrus’s decree granting the Hebrews permission to rebuild the temple was found in a library in Ecbatana.

For whom was the Royal Road built and why were the cities it connected important? What dotted the royal road and why? (Use Exercise 37A Model answer).

The Royal Road was built for Darius of Persia to connect Susa, the old Elamite capital, to Sardis, the old Lydian capital which had become his secondary center of administration. The Royal Road was dotted with post stations for the change of horses so that messages could travel quickly across the empire.

What started the Persian Wars? What were two early successes of the Greeks in the Persian wars? What happened to the Persians’ first massive naval and land retaliation? (Use Exercise 37D Model answer).

The Persian Wars were sparked in 500 B.C. when Athens joined a rebellion against the Persians who had demanded Athens install Hippias as a puppet-king. The early ‘conflagration of Sardis’ and the Battle of Marathon in 490 B.C. were early Greek successes in the Persian Wars. The Persian navy was destroyed by a storm in 492 B.C. and their land attack was defeated at Marathon.

Identify the four major events from the Persian Wars next to their appropriate dates (Exercise 37E).

Know the definitions of the following:

Cimmerians / Gimirrai (FN#32) Jehoiakim (FN#34)

Scythians (FN#32) Psammetichus II (FN#34)

Gyges (FN#32) Alyattes (FN#34)

Psammetichus / Psamtik I (FN#32) Cambyses I (FN#35)

Ecbatana (FN#33) Nabonidus (FN#35)

Madius (FN#33)

Cyarxes (FN#33)

Etruscans (FN#33)

Josiah of Judah (FN#33)

Assur-uballit (FN#33)

Nebuchadnezzar II (FN#33)

Amytis (FN#34)


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